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  • Could the Results of My Home Pregnancy Test Be Wrong?

    Whether a negative pregnancy test causes you to feel intense relief or deep disappointment, after the initial emotion wears off you may begin to doubt the accuracy of the test. Is it possible your negative pregnancy test is wrong? If the home test was done properly, it is rare to have a negative result if you truly are pregnant. It is important that you read the directions carefully and follow the times and procedures exactly as indicated. WHY IT COULD BE A FALSE NEGATIVE However, if you have administered the test as directed, here are some reasons why it could show negative if you are indeed pregnant: Test was taken too early. The earlier a test is taken after a missed period the harder it is for the test to detect hCG (the hormone that indicates whether you are pregnant). Some tests may be more sensitive to or need more hCG to be detected in urine to produce a positive test. Ovulation can vary especially if periods are irregular and timing may be off. Repeat test in one week if there is still a concern about being pregnant. Test results were checked too soon. Read instructions carefully and be precise with timing. Using diluted urine. For most accurate results, take the test first thing in the morning when your urine is the most concentrated. WHY YOU MIGHT MISS A PERIOD AND NOT BE PREGNANT There are several reasons that you might miss a period but not be pregnant, including but not limited to: Sudden weight gain or loss Ovarian cysts Metabolic conditions (alterations in blood sugar and certain hormone levels) Recent illness Stress Thyroid conditions Certain birth control methods/medications Pregnancy If you have missed your period and are questioning the results of your home test, we would be happy to administer a test in our office. Our registered nurse on staff can answer your medical questions and make referrals if necessary. Contact Us for a Pregnancy Test GET FREE TESTING FOR STIs/STDs Additionally, if you have not had STI/STD testing in the last year, we strongly recommend that you schedule an appointment to have this done. STI testing is recommended annually, in addition to every time you have a new sexual partner. We provide STI testing for chlamydia and gonorrhea at Life’s Choices and would be happy to schedule an appointment for you. Contact us if you are in need of STI testing, a pregnancy test or if you would like to talk to someone about the results of your test. We are here for you! Contact Us Today #pennsylvania #pregnancydecisions #negativepregnancytest #freeultrasounds #healthypregnancy #pregnancytest #pregnancybodychanges #berkscounty #pregnancytestiswrong #freeresources #kutztown #parentingclasses #falsenegativepregnancytest #ultrasounds #pregnancy

  • Quarantine Boredom Busters

    “I’m bored!” “There’s nothing to do.” “I hate this — it stinks!” If you are a parent, you might have heard your child say at least one of these phrases over these past couple months of seclusion. Perhaps you may have noticed more whining, irritability or arguments lately. These extended periods of isolation can have even the best parents shaking their heads in frustration. Are looking for a way to manage these endless hours at home? Here are some ideas to help make your time together more enjoyable. Create a scavenger hunt around the house Bake a treat together Have book lovers? Play Reading Bingo! Join a dance party! Bring out the board games Play charades or use clay to sculpt the given words Write a skit or act out a story and video it to share with your relatives or friends Make a blanket fort and enjoy a snack inside Take a virtual field trip to a museum, historic site or interesting place Make unicorn slime Invite a group of friends to play a virtual game Hold a “Silly Olympics” complete with homemade trophies Take a walk, and play I Spy As you can see this list is only a small list of things you can do as boredom busters. The key thing to remember is not to take yourself too seriously. Relax, laugh and enjoy being a kid again! The goal is to create some fun memories together. CONTACT US FOR FREE PARENTING RESOURCES If you still find yourself needing some help with parenting issues, we have plenty of free parenting resources and informative videos that we can send your way and discuss with you. Parenting can be challenging at times, but we are here for support! Contact Us Today Kutztown: 610-683-8000 | Hamburg: 484-660-3526 #health #boredom #reduceanxiety #parentingresources #coronavirus #coronavirusparenting #anxiety #prenataleducation #parentingeducation #prenatalclasses #ultrasound #parentingclasses #covid19parenting #boredombusters #covid19

  • Parenting Resources During the Coronavirus

    Did you know that Life’s Choices has parenting resources to help you connect with your kids? We know it’s hard to keep everyone going strong, especially during a global pandemic like COVID-19! As a society, we don’t have a map to navigate the daily challenges we are facing and our children feel the stress around them no matter how hard we try to protect them. WHAT CAN PARENTS DO TO HELP THEIR CHILDREN DEAL WITH THE CURRENT CRISIS? Here are ten ways you can engage with your child during the coronavirus: Set the tone and atmosphere in your home – Create a safe space to discuss fears and worries. Talk openly and start the conversation with your kids – Be honest with what you  know and what you don’t know. It’s ok to say “I don’t know.” Find ways to reestablish routines – Predictability is a comfort for children, so keeping routines in place helps them feel secure. Be creative – Play games, do crafts, play music, or go outside. Do anything to engage their senses to keep their brains sharp and keep boredom at bay. Teach coping strategies – Reframe what’s going on so children don’t live in fear but teach them to be brave in spite of all the changes around them. Breathing techniques can help calm any anxious feelings. Let children & teens express how they feel and don’t be upset if any regression happens – Don’t panic at their questions and be supportive. Reach out for help if necessary – These are unprecedented times and finding a good counselor may be needed to get extra support. Don’t feel bad if you need a break from each other –  It’s OK. Be OK with failing – We all fail at times so have grace for one another on a daily basis. Teach gratitude – Being thankful goes a long way in supporting our mental health. A FEW OF OUR FAVORITE EXTERNAL RESOURCES We would also like to share with you a list of our favorite book and website suggestions to provide you with extra support during this time. BOOKS: The 5 Love Languages of Children by D. Ross Campbell and Gary Chapman The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers by Gary Chapman Whole Brained Child by Dr Tina Payne Bryson, Dr Daniel Siegel Brainstorm by Daniel J. Siegel Screens and Teens by Kathy Koch 8 Great Smarts by Kathy Koch Boundaries with Kids by Henry Cloud and John Townsend WEBSITES: Culture Translator at Fuller Institute Growing Leaders Common Sense Media Bark Us (online protection for families) CONTACT US FOR MORE RESOURCES Life’s Choices has over 100 class options, and we are ready to offer online classes and phone or video sessions at any time. We offer mentoring on topics related to pregnancy, parenting, childbirth and relationships, and we’d love to connect with you. Give us a call or text today! Contact Us Today Kutztown: 610-683-8000 | Hamburg: 484-660-3526 #health #reduceanxiety #parentingresources #coronavirus #coronavirusparenting #anxiety #prenataleducation #parentingeducation #prenatalclasses #relationshipclasses #ultrasound #parentingclasses #covid19parenting #covid19

  • How to Have Healthy Relationships at a Distance

    There’s no doubt that we’re currently living in interesting times, and we’re all experiencing a lot of changes right here in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Social distancing can be isolating, scary and can affect us differently every day. For some of you, it may be affecting your relationships. Whether it’s friendships, family or a dating relationship, there’s a chance that you may be experiencing a “long distance relationship” for the very first time! Here are some helpful tips on how to maintain your relationships and friendships during this time of uncertainty and quarantine. 1. COMMUNICATION IS KEY Communication is very important in any relationship, but you may find that people who experience a distant relationship tend to develop strong communication skills at a faster rate. Especially during this time, communication is going to be your number one priority in maintaining your relationships! Phone calls, texting, FaceTime and Facebook Messenger are all great sources for communication during this time. Find what works best for you and your relationships! Maybe you’re like me and have a group of girlfriends that you can’t see right now. Something that has helped us is forming a group text! Something that we’ve been doing is asking each other fun questions everyday. For example, today we asked each other what our top five dream vacation spots are, and we all shared where we dreamed of traveling. It might sound silly, but it’s a fun way to keep things lighthearted during a time of uncertainty. You might learn something new about the people you have relationships with! 2. BE OPEN AND VULNERABLE It’s okay to be lighthearted during this time, but it’s also completely okay to be open and vulnerable! We are all struggling with something during this time, or maybe we’ve experienced different disappointments. It’s okay to be open, express how you’re feeling and mourn your losses. It’s important to remember that just because you might be by yourself, you don’t have to keep your feelings bottled up inside of you. And you don’t have to wait for someone to reach out to you. Be brave and share, because it means something to you! When you do this, it allows the other person to be open and vulnerable, too. When you’re both willing to be open and vulnerable, you’re able to form deeper and intimate connections! 3. BE INTENTIONAL I can not stress enough how important it is to be intentional in any relationship! You might be asking yourself, “What does it mean to be intentional?” It means that you are being purposeful in your words and actions. Now, that can look very different for everyone. For someone it could be as simple as genuinely wanting to know how your day went. Or it could be sending pictures throughout the day that remind you of each other, praying together at night, sending food delivery to their house, having a date night over FaceTime or sending someone a “thinking of you” text. It also could look different depending on how you give love and how the person you’re interacting with receives love. It’s important to remember that being intentional during this time can really help to grow and deepen your relationships, even if you aren’t with them in person. Being separated from your loved ones is hard, especially when you don’t know for how long, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your relationships on hold. Have great communication, be open and vulnerable and be intentional, and hopefully you’ll see your relationships grow and flourish! FOR MORE TIPS We want each of you to experience positive and healthy relationships, and we would love to be a resource for you! If you’d like to continue growing and thriving in your relationship, we offer FREE relationship classes — now offered online! For more information on other classes we offer, visit our website. Find Out More Alexis Dawkins Community Outreach Coordinator #longdistancefriendships #relationshiptips #pennsylvania #hamburg #coronavirus #longdistancerelationships #hamburgpennsylvania #kutztownpennsylvania #berkscounty #healthyrelationships #relationshiphelp #relationshipclasses #kutztown #freerelationshipclasses #covid19

  • Need Help Getting Ready for Your Bundle of Joy? We can help with a Baby Bundle!

    Whether a pregnancy was planned or not, many of our clients report feelings ranging from excitement to fear, from readiness to worry. Some are concerned about maintaining a healthy pregnancy while juggling other responsibilities. Others are unsure what kind of mother they will be. Some can’t quite picture how life will look when a new baby is added to the mix. It’s important to note all of the above feelings are normal. And it’s also good to realize that the same woman may experience all of the above emotions, sometimes in the same day. At Life’s Choices, one of our goals is to provide practical support to women as they progress through pregnancy. A key way we provide that support is through our Healthy Start Baby Bundle. It’s a simple concept and one that we can continue to provide to women as our nation works through handling the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic and related social distancing. Parenting classes + social distancing = totally doable! We take the health of our clients very seriously and are happy to say we already have a method in place to offer ongoing classes, like those offered through our Baby Bundle, through virtual learning appointments. Clients select each week’s topic and are sent a link to watch a video and review worksheets. Then, at their appointment time, they call their representative in our office to discuss. Easy-peasy and very personal! Contact us to set up your first online learning class. Here’s how our Baby Bundle works: a woman signs up for the program by filling out a few simple forms. Then she selects a dozen classes from topics that will best prepare her for pregnancy. Options include: Trimester overviews Dealing with emotions of pregnancy Health and safety including nutrition Prenatal baby development Infant care Preparing the home for a baby More! We have classes for moms planning to go back to work and even have topics especially for dad. What about dad? Pregnant clients are welcomed and encouraged to include the baby’s dad in their learning experience. Dads can take all the classes with mom or take classes on their own if that works better. In addition to all the regular prenatal education options, we have several topics and series for first-time and seasoned dads. Dads who take classes earn additional points for baby items in our client boutique. Classes are typically held weekly, take about an hour and are run by a client representative. The expectant mom/couple also will take childbirth and breastfeeding classes (three more classes total) with our nurse or certified instructor. (If the baby’s dad is unable to serve as a birthing coach, another friend or family member is welcome as part of this support team.) Once the 15 classes are complete, the mom earns a new car seat. This is something essential to bring home for a newborn. In fact, most hospitals won’t let families head home with baby without a car seat. Along the way, mom also receives other needed items and services (like prenatal vitamins and confirmation ultrasound) as well as the promise of a professional newborn baby shoot once the baby arrives. And here’s the great part: this program is absolutely free! Not only do our Baby Bundle clients get a free car seat, but they also earn points toward other needed baby items: clothing, toys, diapers, wipes and other essentials. And, of course, they also benefit from gaining practical knowledge, building a supportive relationships with their client representative and also relief from some of the stress and worries they experience as motherhood approaches. If you are interested in our Healthy Start Baby Bundle, send an email to or send a text to our Kutztown (610.683.8000) or Hamburg (484.660.3526) offices. A client representative will be happy to answer any questions or set up your first appointment. Contact Us Today Thanks for reading about our Healthy Start Baby Bundle, a great way we offer help and hope to our community! #confirmationultrasound #healthystartbabybundle #prenataleducation #prenatalclasses #ultrasound #babybundle #pregnancy

  • Pregnancy During COVID-19

    A positive pregnancy test during the best of times causes many different emotions. Feelings of excitement, terror and everything in between are common reactions whether or not the pregnancy was planned. But during this time of heightened fear and anxiety regarding the coronavirus, a positive pregnancy test, especially if unplanned, can cause a woman to panic. You may be wondering if you should continue the pregnancy with all the uncertainties in the world today. Here are some questions you may have: IS MY HEALTH AND MY BABY’S HEALTH MORE AT RISK IF I WOULD DEVELOP THE CORONAVIRUS? The Center for Disease Control has a page dedicated to pregnancy and breastfeeding concerns about COVID-19. Another site with a bit more detailed information is from the UK. To summarize: Pregnant women do not appear to be more at risk than those who are not pregnant for getting seriously unwell if they develop the coronavirus There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage in pregnant women who are infected with the virus It is unlikely the virus would cause problems in the unborn baby’s development Evidence shows that the virus is transferrable from mother to baby during pregnancy or birth. In all reported cases of a newborn baby developing the infection, the baby was well. Pregnant women have been placed in the “more vulnerable” group because generally speaking some viral infections can be worse in pregnant women, something OB doctors have dealt with for years. However, there is no evidence to show that this is true of the coronavirus. WILL I BE ABLE TO PROVIDE FINANCIALLY FOR MY BABY? If you or your partner have recently lost your job, or if you are concerned about the declining economy, you may become fearful of taking care of yourself, much less a new baby. These are valid concerns, and we would love to talk to you about them. Life’s Choices has many resources and referrals to help those with financial difficulties throughout Berks County, Pennsylvania and beyond. Even during this time of social distancing, we are able to provide online support and education with your own personal coach. Our “Healthy Start Baby Bundle” provides you with not only valuable information throughout your pregnancy but practical things like prenatal vitamins, diapers, formula and even a brand new car seat for your baby, all free of charge. THE WORLD SEEMS LIKE SUCH A SCARY PLACE RIGHT NOW. DO I WANT TO BRING A CHILD INTO THIS MESS? New moms throughout the ages have had these same thoughts and feelings. Suddenly you are not just thinking about yourself but a new life and future generations. While the thought of caring for a baby can cause anxiety about the future, more often a baby brings hope and joy into the life of his or her family. The human spirit is amazingly strong and resilient and can thrive even through difficult circumstances. At Life’s Choices we have seen many, many lives changed for the better as moms and dads have stepped up to be the best they can be for their child. Whatever you are thinking or feeling right now, we would love to talk with you. A registered nurse on staff can help you find answers to your medical questions. Our client reps and coaches are available to listen, and direct you towards reliable information for any option you are considering whether it be parenting, adoption or abortion. Our resources come from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and other medically accurate sources. Most importantly, since all of our services are free of charge, we do not financially profit in any way from the decision you make. SOME FINAL THOUGHTS: Take a deep breath. You’re going to be okay. Take time to learn the facts and see what help is available. To quote Michelle Obama: “Don’t ever make decisions based on fear. Make decisions based on hope and possibility.” Talk to someone you trust. If you are not ready to talk to your partner or family, or just want an unbiased perspective, we welcome you to give us a call. A test is only a test, it is not a confirmation of pregnancy. Only a doctor can diagnose pregnancy and this is often done through ultrasound. We can offer a confirmation ultrasound to qualifying individuals. Contact us to find out how to receive this free service at Life’s Choices. While many feel isolated during this time of sheltering in place, please know that you are not alone. We are here for you and are ready to help. Please contact us today. You are safe with us. Contact Us Today #fearandanxiety #health #reduceanxiety #covid19pregnancy #coronavirus #anxiety #prenataleducation #ultrasound #coronaviruspregnancy #fear #covid19 #pregnancy #pregnantduringcovid19

  • Anxiety, Fear and COVID-19

    Life as we know it has been changing daily since the coronavirus (COVID-19) started hitting the United States (including our community right here in Berks County, Pennsylvania). Businesses and schools are closed, social distancing is the new “normal,” grocery stores are packed and people are hoarding toilet paper. We never saw this coming as we came into 2020, now did we? With all the changes and uncertainty, fear and anxiety seem to be at a whole new level for everyone. Fear and anxiety can affect our daily lifestyle, relationships, and personality, but we can implement healthy coping strategies to help us with the unpredictability our culture is facing. Here are a few ways to reduce anxiety if you are feeling overwhelmed: Do something creative- Whether it’s journaling, painting, drawing, playing an instrument, or writing poetry, creativity reduces stress and allows us to have fun and express ourselves which promotes relaxation. Talk to a friend- Social distancing may be necessary right now, but with technology, we have more options than ever to connect virtually and stay in touch with loved ones. Talk a walk- Use your five senses to orient yourself to your surroundings. What you can see, touch, smell, hear and even taste (make sure it’s healthy and safe!) helps to ground us to the present rather than worrying about the future. Express gratitude for anything and everything you can- Every emotion we have has its own neural pathway in our brains. So, when we are thankful, we actually can’t fuel the anxiety, because the brain is focused on being grateful! Isn’t that an interesting fact? Do some breathing exercises- Something simple to try is to breathe in through your nose for four counts, hold it for seven counts, and then release your breath through your mouth for eight counts. Repeat this cycle a few times and your overall system should begin to relax because more oxygen is getting to your brain. Seek professional counseling if you are contemplating any kind of self-harm or the feeling of anxiety does not subside within a reasonable time period- Some anxiety and fear goes beyond just “the blues,” and talking to a professional is sometimes necessary. If you aren’t sure where to turn, please contact our office by phone, text or email, and we’ll help you get the resources you need. If you need someone to talk to, we’re here for you. At Life’s Choices, we have resources to share and a listening ear to help support you during this time. We are implementing community support at both of our offices in regards to coping with the anxieties of this particular time. We are providing encouragement cards with Scripture verses available to take from our porch at Kutztown or outside the office at Hamburg. We also invite you to text or call us with any prayer requests! Kutztown: 610-683-8000 Hamburg: 484-660-3526 We see you, and you aren’t alone. Contact us for support — we’d love to hear from you! Contact Us Today #fearandanxiety #health #reduceanxiety #coronavirus #anxiety #prenataleducation #ultrasound #fear #covid19 #pregnancy

  • Spring Chicken 5k Update: Rescheduled (Date TBD)

    Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we are sad to announce that we are rescheduling our Spring Chicken 5k (date TBD). We’re still working on confirming the new date, but we will keep you updated. We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe, and that we all can enjoy community activities together again soon! In the mean time, here’s some important information to know about this year’s fundraising 5k: THE PURPOSE When you run in Life’s Choices Spring Chicken 5k, you’re directly supporting our life-giving work and mission! All proceeds will go to helping Life’s Choices to continue to provide pregnancy, parenting and relationship support for women and families in the Berks County, Pennsylvania area. Because of participation and support by partners like you, we’re able to help women throughout the county and beyond! Thank you to all who join us each year and make our work possible. THE EVENT This year, we’re excited to host our 5k at a new course! The Schuylkill River Trail at Hamburg Park (located on Franklin St. & Park Rd. in Hamburg) is scenic, flat and fast. As an out and back race with no rocky terrain, this is a great course to enjoy the scenic trail and to set a personal record! Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. (date TBD), and we’ll be kicking off the day with the Chick Chase Fun Run (for ages 12 and under) at 9 a.m. Then at 9:30 a.m., our Spring Chicken 5k Run and the Walk for Life will officially begin! Winners of the 5k (top male and top female finisher) will each receive a $50 Fleet Feet Gift Card and medal! Medals will also be awarded to the top three males and females by age division. Throughout the day, we will also have fun activities for the whole family at our Family Festival including inflatables, games and lots of free food! A free lunch will be provided for participants including the original Chick-fil-a Chicken Sandwich. NEW DATE TBD While we’re disappointed we won’t get to enjoy our Spring Chicken 5k with you as soon as we had hoped, we can’t wait for you to join us at a future date! Please stay tuned to the our event page in the near future for an updated date. For more information on our 5k, visit our Spring Chicken 5k event page. We look forward to seeing you there! Find Out More #5k #stdtesting #pennsylvania #hamburg #freeultrasounds #springchicken5k #berkscounty #fundraising5k #prenatalclasses #berkscounty5k #ultrasounds

  • Pregnancy Series Part 3: Healthy Pregnancy Decisions for You and Your Baby

    There’s so much to think about when you find out you are expecting a baby. At Life’s Choices, we work with lots of pregnant mamas throughout Berks County, Pennsylvania and help them navigate all the information they get, be it from medical professionals, excited friends, experienced family members and yes, even the internet. We know that with all of the information circulating, it can be a lot to take in. So, we’re sharing a few key points to consider when evaluating some healthy pregnancy decisions to make for you and your baby: PRENATAL CARE One of the first things we ask a pregnant woman is if she has an OB-GYN (obstetrician-gynecologist). This could be an individual doctor, certified midwife or a group that combines several of these people. Most OB-GYNs see you about once a month at the beginning of pregnancy then more often as your pregnancy progresses (about once a week during the last month). They oversee your medical health, monitor the baby’s growth and eventually help deliver the baby. If you need help finding medical care in the Kutztown or Hamburg, Pennsylvania area, we maintain a list of providers in our office. KNOW WHAT TO AVOID Everything you put in your bloodstream can impact your baby’s development, so tobacco, alcohol, marijuana and other drugs are a definite “no.” You should check with your doctor about any medicines you are taking, including both prescription drugs and over-the-counter and herbal remedies as some can also cause pregnancy issues. Most pregnant women are also best off avoiding caffeine, so switch to a decaf coffee or herbal tea in the morning. KNOW WHAT YOU NEED Lots of water is great for hydration, and milk and juice are also good options. Folic acid, a key ingredient in prenatal vitamins, is important. So are healthy food options. Our office has classes on “eating for two,” and we have a certified nutritionist available who can meet individually with you to help you tweak your diet while you wait to deliver. EDUCATE YOURSELF Our office has great options for expecting parents. Classes cover topics including: What to avoid during pregnancy Watching for signs of postpartum depression Handling an at-risk pregnancy Baby’s development in the womb Coping with your changing body and emotions Preparing your nursery and home How to care for a newborn Childbirth Breastfeeding support And more! GATHER SUPPORT For many pregnant women, that’s their husband or boyfriend. Others have support from parents and extended family. Friends can also be a great help. If you’re looking for additional help, our client representatives is here for you as you learn about your baby and discover the mom you want to be. You’re going to need this kind of support to help you navigate pregnancy as well as the parenting years to come. HERE FOR YOU No matter where you are in your pregnancy or parenting journey, we’d be happy to see you to talk about any concerns, help you gather support and materials then celebrate with you the arrival of your baby. Remember, moms who enroll in our Baby Bundle program earn a free car seat plus diapers and other needed items. Let us know how we can offer help and hope to you during your pregnancy! Contact Us Today #pregnancystages #pennsylvania #pregnancydecisions #hamburg #freeultrasounds #fetaldevelopment #healthypregnancy #healthypregnancydecisions #pregnancybodychanges #berkscounty #prenataleducation #prenatalclasses #freeresources #kutztown #parentingclasses #ultrasounds #pregnancy

  • Pregnancy Series Part 2: Body Changes for Expecting Moms

    Pregnancy can be exciting, but some moms find it overwhelming. Others may find it a little scary. And, if we’re honest, most pregnant mamas feel a combination of all three. In addition to emotional changes during pregnancy, moms can experience a variety of body changes as well. Most babies spend 280 days in the womb before birth, and this time period is broken down into 40 weeks or three trimesters. Here is an idea of what moms should expect during pregnancy in each trimester: FIRST TRIMESTER (WEEKS 1 TO 12) Often times, a woman may not realize she is pregnant until she has missed a period or two, and it’s not uncommon for confirmation to happen about halfway through the first trimester. However, your body may give you some hints that you may be expecting a baby: Tender or swollen breasts – Hormonal changes are already preparing your breasts to nurture your baby after birth, and this involves changes in the fat layers, milk glands and skin coloring. Morning sickness – A pregnant mom can feel nauseous or vomit at any time of day due to changing hormones. Tips to combat morning sickness include eating small, bland snacks (like saltines) before you even get out of bed in the morning, avoiding spicy or greasy foods, and drinking lots of liquids. If the problem persists or becomes severe, see your doctor! In fact, prenatal care is important from the start of the pregnancy. OBGYN offices tend to book well in advance, so you should call as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test to schedule your first appointment. You should also start taking prenatal vitamins – we offer our pregnant clients a month’s supply to get started! Other physical changes – Most women report increased fatigue during the first trimester. Others talk of constipation, frequent urination, heartburn and varicose veins. Even though you won’t look pregnant to the outside world, your body is making lots of changes to prepare for the months ahead. Did you know Life’s Choices offers great prenatal education classes, starting as early as the first trimester? See us for classes about pregnancy care, eating for two or preparing for an ultrasound appointment. We use the Bright Course curriculum (see below) which includes current videos and informal discussion format. SECOND TRIMESTER (WEEKS 13 TO 27) The second trimester is often called the “honeymoon” of pregnancy. Your body is adjusting to changes and morning sickness usually eases, plus energy returns. Here are other things to consider during your second trimester: Body expansion – As your belly stretches around your growing baby, expect to experience itchiness and stretch marks. These can be eased by staying hydrated, making sure you eat properly and using lotions. Some women also report the “mask of pregnancy” (darker skin on the face due to hormonal changes) or “linea nigra” (a dark line from your belly button down to your pubic bone). The best way to address these symptoms is using sunscreen whenever skin is exposed. Don’t forget your teeth – Pregnancy can take a toll on dental hygiene, with many women experiencing tender, bleeding gums or tooth decay. Maintain daily brushing and flossing. It’s also a good time to see your dentist for a checkup – just make sure to tell them you are expecting! Going public – Whenever you choose to tell people about your baby’s impending arrival, the second trimester is a time most people figure it out. Many mamas start “showing” by week 16 and maternity clothes, many with forgiving stretchy waistlines, become a must. Tip: check out thrift stores or, better yet, ask a friend who had a baby to find good bargains on maternity clothes. Bonus moment – Most first-time moms feel baby move by week 25. This fluttery feeling, described by many as “butterflies” inside the belly, may be noticed sooner by moms who have been pregnant before. In any case, this feeling (also called “quickening”) is a big hallmark of pregnancy and a sign that your baby is growing bigger and stronger. As nausea and fatigue fade, the second trimester is a great time to prepare for your baby’s arrival. One great way to do that is taking prenatal classes at Life’s Choices. Topics include the emotions of pregnancy, bonding with your unborn baby and figuring out how to handle that growing belly. We use classes from Bright Courses (see below) with options of taking classes in our office or at your home. THIRD TRIMESTER (WEEK 28 TO BIRTH) The end is in sight, but the third trimester can seem like the longest as physical symptoms – and discomfort – increase as baby grows . . . and grows! Physical symptoms – Expect shortness of breath, swelling and stretch marks, changes in belly button, heartburn and constipation as baby takes up more room in your body. Your center of gravity will shift as baby grows and even drops into a low, birth position so be careful as you go about your day! Preparing for birth – Your body is preparing, as signaled by mild contractions, leg cramps, tender breasts and insomnia. You can intentionally prepare as well — taking childbirth classes, packing a bag well ahead of your due date and knowing when symptoms mean it’s time to call your provider. The third trimester is a great time to prepare your house for your baby. If you’re overwhelmed deciding what supplies you need and how to prepare your home – and heart! – for your little one, please come and see us! We have classes on the final stretch of pregnancy that can help you feel more prepared. We also offer childbirth classes and breastfeeding support! HERE FOR YOU No matter where you are in your pregnancy, we’d be happy to see you to talk about any concerns, help you gather support and materials then celebrate with you the arrival of your baby. Remember, moms who enroll in our Baby Bundle program earn a car seat plus diapers and other needed items. Let us know how we can offer help and hope to you during your pregnancy! Contact Us Today If you’re interested in participating in our Bright Course classes, here’s a preview that will give you a little bit of a glimpse into the curriculum: #pregnancystages #pennsylvania #hamburg #freeultrasounds #fetaldevelopment #pregnancybodychanges #berkscounty #relationshipsclasses #prenataleducation #prenatalclasses #relationshipclasses #freeresources #kutztown #parentingclasses #sonograms #stagesofgestation #ultrasounds #pregnancy

  • Pregnancy Series Part 1: Your Baby’s Growth Stages

    The growth of a baby in utero takes on average 280 days from the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP). Although pregnancy takes less than a year in a mother’s life, amazing changes take place for the baby in that time frame. Thanks to modern technology, we know lots more about what’s happening inside mom at each stage of baby’s development. Curious? Here is a glimpse into fetal development. Note – gestational age counts from the LMP date and assumes fertilization occurred two weeks later, when a woman is most likely to ovulate. 2 WEEKS GESTATION: When the sperm fertilizes an egg, a unique individual comes into being. Already, traits like hair, eye color and personality are established. 4 WEEKS: The embryo is about the size of the tip of a pin but already contains specialized cells that will become brain, spinal cord and heart systems. 6 WEEKS: The heart begins to pump blood. This first glimpse of the heartbeat can be easily seen in a standard ultrasound scan. Life’s Choices offers free confirmation ultrasounds for women from the sixth week of pregnancy. A certified technician performs the scans in our Kutztown office each Friday. To set up your appointment for a free ultrasound, call or text: 610.683.8000 8 WEEKS: Now the size of a penny, the embryo has fingers and toes. The beginnings of other key systems, from the spine to the eyes to the stomach, begin now. 10 WEEKS: The baby, now called a fetus, is the size of a small strawberry. Muscles and bones are forming and features such as eyes, limbs and joints may be seen in ultrasound images. 14 WEEKS: New developments include the start of teeth “buds”, eyelids and nose. An ultrasound may tell mom if she is carrying a boy or girl! 18 WEEKS: Arms and legs have developed and skin is formed and turning pink. Ears function at this gestational age. Play some music and see how your baby reacts to your favorite tunes! Some parents are not sure how to bond with a baby they’ve never seen. Others are nervous about caring for such a fragile little one, or may just want to feel as prepared as possible. No matter how you feel about becoming a parent, we have a great class for you! Contact us for info on our free, individual education classes: 20 WEEKS: Hair is sprouting and lungs are developing, although baby will not be able to breath on its own just yet. Mothers typically feel baby moving by this stage, halfway through the pregnancy. Check out this 3D ultrasound of this sweet baby at 20 weeks gestation: 24 WEEKS: Fetus is as long as an ear of corn and weighs 1.25 pounds. Eyebrows and lashes are visible and baby also starts sleep patterns. Babies born at this stage may survive with medical intervention. 28 WEEKS: At this stage of fetal development, the baby is now the size of a small coconut! Eyes are partially open at this stage and body movements are stronger. 32 WEEKS: Wrinkles can be seen on the bottom of baby’s feet, and he or she is often positioned head down in the womb (the best position for a natural delivery). Although still early, most babies born at this stage survive. 36 WEEKS: Average size by now is 5.5 pounds and 12.5 inches. In another week, baby will be considered full-term although labor may take up to week 40 to begin. Three Trimesters of Fetal Development, Mhuerth01 / CC BY-SA ( Pregnancy was traditionally described as 9 months, divided into three, 3-month trimesters. In more modern times, doctors tell pregnant mothers to expect 40 weeks of pregnancy (closer to 10 months) and development is typically divided into trimesters by weeks: first trimester (weeks 1 to 12), second (weeks 13-27) and third (week 28 to birth). HERE FOR YOU No matter where you are in your pregnancy, we’d be happy to see you to talk about any concerns, help you gather support and materials and then celebrate with you the arrival of your baby. Let us know how we can offer help and hope to you during your pregnancy! Our Baby Bundle program allows moms (and dads) to gain valuable knowledge and earn items they need for their little bundle of joy. After completing 15 classes, participants can take home a car seat, and the program is free! Find our more about our Baby Bundle program. Contact Us Today *Sources : and Pennsylvania Department of Health (Abortion: Making a Decision) #pregnancystages #pennsylvania #hamburg #freeultrasounds #fetaldevelopment #berkscounty #relationshipsclasses #prenataleducation #prenatalclasses #relationshipclasses #freeresources #kutztown #parentingclasses #sonograms #stagesofgestation #ultrasounds #pregnancy

  • Impacting Clients: Kathryn’s Testimonial

    At Life’s Choices, our mission is to be a place of hope and help for women and families facing unplanned pregnancies and seeking to foster healthy relationships. We seek to serve the Berks County community by providing beneficial free resources and creating welcoming environments in both our Kutztown and Hamburg, Pennsylvania offices. One of our clients, Kathryn, shared her story with us in a recent interview, and we’re so grateful for her positive experience at Life’s Choices. Kathryn was the first client to have her free ultrasound done with our brand new ultrasound machine (thank you to our generous partners who made it possible to invest in a new machine!). “Getting the ultrasound was so exciting!” Kathryn shared in her interview (below). “I’ve never seen one in person — especially on yourself — and it had a heartbeat … I fell in love immediately.” SUPPORT IN UNPLANNED SITUATIONS When Kathryn first found out she was expecting, she was shocked. “Being pregnant wasn’t a plan,” she said. But coming to Life’s Choices eased her mind and provided her with helpful support and guidance. Kathryn worked mainly with Life’s Choices’ community outreach coordinator, Alexis, who walked with her through pregnancy confirmation, prenatal educational classes and more. Kathryn seeing her baby for the first time at her free Life’s Choices ultrasound “[Alexis] was so kind. The tone in her voice made you feel ok,” Kathryn said. “That’s what I needed. I needed a kind voice, and she was that for me and I just really appreciate her for it.” Life’s Choices is honored to serve the women and families in the Berks County, Pennsylvania community. We believe it’s a privilege to be a resource for clients like Kathryn every day! If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy or are seeking support in parenting, relationships and more, we welcome you to visit us, too. “I don’t know where I would possibly be mentally if I didn’t have [Life’s Choices] backing me every step of the way,” Kathryn said in her interview. SET UP YOUR FREE VISIT TODAY If you’re interested in setting up an appointment with us, whether for a free pregnancy confirmation ultrasound, prenatal or parenting classes, or one of our other life-giving services, give us a call today! We offer free ultrasounds every Friday at our Kutztown, Pennsylvania office from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., so pick a Friday that works for you and hold your spot today. Walk-ins are accepted if there is room in the schedule for clients who are not already getting prenatal care under the supervision of a physician. Our regular office hours are: Kutztown: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Hamburg: Monday, Wednesday and Friday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. We would love to be a free resource for you. We hope to see you soon! MAKE AN APPOINTMENT ONLINE CALL US TODAY #clientreview #pennsylvania #hamburg #freeultrasounds #berkscounty #prenatalclasses #relationshipclasses #freeresources #kutztown #parentingclasses #sonograms #clienttestimony #ultrasounds #pregnancy

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