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Spring Chicken 5k Update: Rescheduled (Date TBD)

Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we are sad to announce that we are rescheduling our Spring Chicken 5k (date TBD). We’re still working on confirming the new date, but we will keep you updated. We hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy and safe, and that we all can enjoy community activities together again soon!

In the mean time, here’s some important information to know about this year’s fundraising 5k:


When you run in Life’s Choices Spring Chicken 5k, you’re directly supporting our life-giving work and mission! All proceeds will go to helping Life’s Choices to continue to provide pregnancy, parenting and relationship support for women and families in the Berks County, Pennsylvania area.

Because of participation and support by partners like you, we’re able to help women throughout the county and beyond! Thank you to all who join us each year and make our work possible.


This year, we’re excited to host our 5k at a new course! The Schuylkill River Trail at Hamburg Park (located on Franklin St. & Park Rd. in Hamburg) is scenic, flat and fast. As an out and back race with no rocky terrain, this is a great course to enjoy the scenic trail and to set a personal record!

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. (date TBD), and we’ll be kicking off the day with the Chick Chase Fun Run (for ages 12 and under) at 9 a.m. Then at 9:30 a.m., our Spring Chicken 5k Run and the Walk for Life will officially begin!

Winners of the 5k (top male and top female finisher) will each receive a $50 Fleet Feet Gift Card and medal! Medals will also be awarded to the top three males and females by age division.

Throughout the day, we will also have fun activities for the whole family at our Family Festival including inflatables, games and lots of free food! A free lunch will be provided for participants including the original Chick-fil-a Chicken Sandwich.


While we’re disappointed we won’t get to enjoy our Spring Chicken 5k with you as soon as we had hoped, we can’t wait for you to join us at a future date! Please stay tuned to the our event page in the near future for an updated date.

For more information on our 5k, visit our Spring Chicken 5k event page. We look forward to seeing you there!


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