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Our 2023 Summer Plans!

Sunny days, warm evenings, great temperatures…it would be easy to just relax this summer, but boy, do we have some awesome things planned for summer vacation this year! This article gives you the inside scoop to our 2023 summer plans for Life’s Choices.

Student Giveaways

We started off our summer celebrations by hosting two student outreach events! On May 8th, our Kutztown office staff and volunteers hung out on our front porch and gave away free walking tacos to the students of Kutztown University to celebrate the beginning of their finals week. The students enjoyed their free food and a goodie bag filled with Life’s Choices promo gifts and snacks to keep them fueled-up for their exams and projects. Here are a few pictures from that fun day!

On May 25th, our Hamburg office held a similar event for the students of Hamburg Area School District. To celebrate the last week of middle school and highs school, our staff and volunteers handed out free popcorn to the students! Both of these events were so much fun, and we were able to communicate the message that Life’s Choices is here for students! So many young people walk by our office every day and yet have no idea who we are. We just wanted to encourage these young people and let them know they’re loved by Life’s Choices!

What else do we have coming up on our calendar? We are so excited to share our 2023 summer plans with you! Keep an eye out for these upcoming events and programs!

Staff Training and Office Development

Our staff will be taking advantage of two training opportunities this summer – one at the end of June and one at the end of August. We are always looking for ways to stay relevant and up to date as medical and cultural changes take place. As our culture grows and changes, we want to be able to meet peoples’ needs as efficiently and effectively as we possibly can. We applaud our staff for always going above and beyond to serve our clients well!

Over the Christmas break in 2022, we worked hard to renovate our Kutztown location. Many rooms were completely re-done and lots of little changes were made to make our client experience more inviting and comforting. This June, we will be continuing those efforts by putting in new carpeting and furniture in the other rooms of the Kutztown office! Keep an eye out for pictures of these changes!

Acknowledging & Equipping our Partners

We say it all the time: Life’s Choices could not operate as we do without our supporters. This summer, we will be intentionally reaching out to our partners to grow those priceless relationships. We will be meeting with church representatives to thank, encourage, and equip them to share information about Life’s Choices with their congregations.

We are also hoping to host some tours of the Kutztown office. We have recently renovated a few of the spaces, and we are constantly trying to make things as efficient and professional as possible. Offering tours of our facility will open our doors to the community and offer insight into our value as a free resource.

Summer Student Education

Our education team is excited to be offering some healthy relationship education programming to Kutztown Area School District at their summer schooling program. They will provide engaging and helpful lessons that will encourage students to aim high for their future, make healthy decisions, and choose the best for their lives. This is the first time we have been invited to participate in a summer school program. It will look a bit different than our normal school-year programming, but we are looking forward to the new experience!

This education team is celebrating the fact that they were able to reach over 2,000 students in the Reading School District and Hamburg Area School District this past school year (2022-2023). They give a huge shout-out to the volunteers and contractual educators that helped to augment our team and make this amazing year possible!

Client Encouragement

We are giving out double points for parenting class participants from Monday, June 5, through Friday, August 25. This is for moms and dads both expecting and with kids and applies to in-person and zoom classes in both our Hamburg and Kutztown offices. We have classes with practical help for all ages and stages of parenting.

Life’s Choices is also excited to host three Free Diaper Giveaways this summer! The first Monday of June, July and August, we will be giving away free diapers from our Hamburg and Kutztown offices. This allows us to share from the gracious donations we have received from our community and also connect with individuals and families that may benefit from our supportive services. If you would like to make a donation, please contact us to talk to a staff member.

Free Workshops

We are looking forward to a one-day workshop that is planned for Saturday, June 24, for parents on Sign Language for Babies. This concept is so helpful for parents with children who are still in the process of learning to talk! Moms and dads are both invited to this event; it will be so fun! Watch our social media for details or to sign up! @lifeschoices326

And finally, Dr Dad is returning! Last year was our first year for this four-session seminar, held by dads, for dads. Classes offer practical skills and discussion time for raising kids safely, from illness to accidents to safety and general health. Participants will enjoy snacks, win prizes and get to know other dads in their community! These classes were such a big hit last year that we had to offer them again! We encourage new dads or expecting dads to take these courses so that you can be more prepared in keeping your kids safe and healthy! This will be Tuesday nights in August – August 1, 8, 15 and 22 and is hosted at the Journey Cafe in Hamburg (320 Pine St).

Please keep all of these events, programs, and plans in your thoughts and prayers this summer! We have quite a busy season ahead of us, which is both daunting and exciting! If you might like to help with any of these things, please contact us! We always welcome help and support!

Thank you for supporting us and making it possible for Life’s Choices to offer so many different resources to our communities!


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