At Life’s Choices, we provide a variety of free pregnancy and family resources for the Berks County, Pennsylvania community and beyond. Our mission is to offer non-judgmental, confidential care to women and families, and thanks to the support of our partners and volunteers, we’re able to do just that!
Whether you’re seeking prenatal care or looking for ways to foster healthier relationships in your life, here are just a few of the FREE, life-giving options we offer.

It can be scary to find out you’re pregnant — especially if it wasn’t a part of the plan. But we’re here to walk beside you and provide you with options!
We offer pregnancy tests at both our Kutztown and Hamburg, Pennsylvania offices. Our laboratory grade tests are 99 percent accurate when used from the first day of your expected period.
We also offer free ultrasounds at our Kutztown location to detect a fetal heartbeat, determine gestational age and to confirm a viable uterine pregnancy. Our medical director will review your ultrasound and a licensed medical professional will be available to discuss the results.
Did you know the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that 19 million new sexually transmitted infections or diseases occur each year, almost HALF of which are among 15 to 24 years old?
If you’re concerned that you might have an STD or STI, or if you just want to be sure, we offer free STD/STI testing in Kutztown, Hamburg and now in Reading, Pennsylvania. Walk-ins are welcome, but we recommend you make an appointment on our website.
Testing is offered at our main locations during our regular office hours and at Grace Bible Fellowship Church in Reading on Tuesdays from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about STD/STI testing and treatment, visit our website.
We’re proud to provide a broad range of classes to new and expecting mothers. Topics range everywhere from prenatal care to baby bonding to pregnancy self care and everything in between!
We now offer classes in a free Baby Bundle! The bundle includes a confirmation ultrasound, twelve individualized educational classes to prepare for baby (includes a personal coach!), childbirth classes and much more.
Also, if you finish all class requirements, you will eligible to receive a brand new car seat! Find out what specific classes we offer here.

We’re here for you after your baby arrives, too! Whether you’re seeking guidance in your relationships, parenting, finances or nutrition, we have a class for you.
All of our classes are tailored to your needs and schedule. Classes are one-on-one with your own personal coach and typically last about one hour.
If you’re grieving from a pregnancy loss or abortion, you don’t have to grieve alone– we are here to offer compassion and love. To help you in your healing process, we offer support group Bible studies. Please contact us for more information.
We believe that healthy choices can be encouraged through good education and open, honest dialogue. That’s why we offer free-of-charge health education in local schools and community groups!
Our THRIVE program is Life’s Choices’ unique education program, which is provided to middle and high schools in the Berks County area. This curriculum is a medically accurate, age appropriate and evidence based sexual health education program for students.
We offer topics including healthy relationships, teen dating violence, sexual risk avoidance and much more. Find out more about our THRIVE program.
We hope to be a beacon of hope, help and healing for you, and we welcome you to reach out to us with any questions about our free pregnancy and family resources.