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Can Having an Abortion Cause Physical Complications?

If you’ve recently found out you’re pregnant and are considering your options, it’s important to look at all the facts surrounding whatever your decision might be. As our clients at both our Kutztown and Hamburg, Pennsylvania offices seek out information on what to do next, they often ask us for more details about abortion and how it may impact their life.

Are there health risks? Can abortion cause physical complications after?

The decision to have abortion can impact women a variety of ways, and abortion has both physical and psychological risks, whether medical abortion or surgical abortion. According to research done by CompassCare (see their website for additional info and references), there can be common side effects, immediate complications and potential future health complications caused by an abortion. Should you be contemplating having an abortion, here’s what you need to know:


  1. Bleeding

  2. Cramping

  3. Dizziness

  4. Drowsiness

  5. Nausea/vomiting


  1. Damage to the womb or cervix

  2. Incomplete abortion (requiring additional surgical procedure)

  3. Infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes

  4. Excessive or heavy bleeding

  5. Scarring of the inside of the uterus

  6. Sepsis or Septic shock (blood infection)

  7. Uterine perforation

  8. Death


  1. Future pre-term deliveries

  2. Breast cancer

  3. Pelvic inflammatory disease

  4. Mental health issues

  5. Infertility and future childbearing (more info)

  6. Sexual dysfunction

While it’s not possible to know how each woman’s body and mind will be specifically impacted by an abortion, it’s important to know the potential risks. When dealing with health decisions, we encourage you to seek out thorough medical information so that your choice can be an educated one.


The best first step before making a decision about abortion is to confirm the viability of your pregnancy. As you seek your next steps, we welcome you to visit us for a free confirmation ultrasound that will detect a fetal heartbeat, determine gestational age and determine a viable uterine pregnancy. Your ultrasound will be reviewed by our medical director, and a licensed medical professional will be available to discuss the results.

For more information, please contact Life’s Choices today – no pressure, no judgment and full confidentiality. All our services are free.

Disclaimer: Life’s Choices is not an abortion clinic. Life’s Choices does not benefit financially from your pregnancy decision. Life’s Choices does not provide prenatal medical care, birth control, emergency contraception or abortions. We do not refer for emergency contraception or abortions.

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